Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cara Backup Driver Komputer

Tips komputer kali ini adalah tentang Cara Backup Driver Komputer. Dimana backup driver sangat bermanfa’at apabila kita ingin menginstal ulang Windows, tapi CD drivernya hilang. Dan apabila anda sudah membackup driver, jadinya anda tidak perlu susah-susah mencari driver komputer anda di internet.

Software yang kita gunakan untuk Backup Driver adalah Driver Genius. Link download softwarenya ada dibawah ini.


Dan berikut cara backup driver komputer :

  1. Buka Driver Genius, pilih menu Backup Drivers dan pada Select the drivers you want to backup, centang opsi Current Used Drivers. Karena driver yang kita butuhkan cuma yang tidak bawaan Windows. Kalau sudah klik Next.
  2. Pada bagian Select the backup type, anda bisa memilih jenis backupnya. Untuk ini, saya pilih ZIP Archive. Setelah itu tentukan lokasi penyimpanan backup dengan klik Browse. Lanjut klik Next.
  3. Tunggu sampai proses backupnya selesai. Kalau sudah selesai, klik Finish dan buka lokasi anda menyimpan backup tersebut.

Nah, sekian Tips Komputer tentang cara backup Driver. Semoga tutorial sederhana bermanfaat bagi anda semuanya. ^_^

sumber :

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Wisata ke Malang

what a long time since i visited this blog...
Miss this blog so much. :D (ok, ini terlalu lebay..)
I gonna tell u 'bout my last holiday with my friends in Malang..
We spent 3 day and 2 night in there. Actually i didnt prepare a lot to go to Malang. I just brought some clothes, and snacks. This trip start at 10 P.M in boulevard of UNS. The first destination is breakfast and take a bath.. U can imagine that we arrived in there at 4.30 A.M. How cold it is to took a bath..Brr.But it's ok. After took a bath and breakfast, we continued our trip to the leather craft's shop.
U know that, we went along the Sidoarjo street, a place where the hot mud is. How terrible is in there. Next destination is in the Jatim Park 1. How amazing it is. I tried some games in there. It was very faboluous.

What Face Do U Wear?? --@ Jatim Park 1

Kesenian yang mengagumkan  --@ Jatim Park 1

Look! Thats ME, Berani kann?? :) --@ Jatim Park 1

The last destination is Batu Night Spectacular (BNS). There are so many lamps and spectacular games. I was so excited but i was tired.

Di Batu Night Spectacular... Amazinnnggg :)
That is my experience when i went to Malang..
Hope next chance i can go there again and enjoy the exciting athmosphere in there.
Bless me, GOD.